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Bronze Support

PCL Service Bronze Support is our baseline service package which is free of charge to customers that have purchased a high-pressure casting machine from us.

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This support goes beyond a standard warranty and includes the following services to help keep your machine and operation fully optimised.


PCL Service Bronze can be renewed year on year and you are also able to include add-ons from any service on Silver and Gold. 

PCL Service Bronze comes with the following services
Visual On-Site machine health check

The success of your system is important to us, so as part of your Bronze support, we will carry out a visual check of the machine to ensure it continues to be fully optimised and the overall condition remains at the high level expected from a PCL machine.

Any recommendations for casting improvement or general maintenance will be highlighted and discussed during the health check and any issues can be addressed.

Upon completion, a report will be sent to you for your records.
Remote Access and Support

PCL's remote access and support service strengthen your operation.

Our dedicated support team are on hand to help you by remotely identifying issues and creating solutions to aid you in optimising your operation and minimising your downtime.

You have peace of mind that our remote access ability gives us the freedom to connect to your casting system 24/7. *
Online Portal

Our customer portal includes a range of useful resources, including your machine information, valuable documents, and a number of best practice modules available to you on our training portal.

These include:

Operator Training
Machine and mould maintenance
Mould care and repair
Mould installation
Create your own PCL Service

Using PCL Service Bronze as a baseline service package, you are able to create your own bespoke product by selecting the services you require and not having to pay for what you don't need.


PCL give you the control to create a product tailored to your specific needs.


Additional PCL Service products

Machine Upgrades


Mould / Piece Design Advisory


Machine Parts Ordering


On-Site Engineering Support


Bespoke Training


Find out more about PCL Service support packages

PCL Service

+44 (0) 1553 622000
Estuary Road
King's Lynn
PE30 2HS
United Kingdom


*For some existing machines, installing a monitoring device may be required at an additional cost.

©2024 by PCL Ceramics Ltd.

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